Sunday, September 15, 2013

OH Thank Goodness!  Fall is in the air!  The first few days of September roared in like August!  I thought to myself, "Is this summer ever going to end?"  But finally yesterday, you could tell.  Don't get me wrong, it is still warm, mid 80's and wearing shorts.  But the air has a different quality to it, dryer, friendlier.  Not the blasting humidity of summer in the South!

I spent the day outdoors,  mulching around the new trees we planted to replace the ones that died in the drought of the last two summers. These are Japanese Maples that have languished way too long in pots.   They seem happy in their new home. 

For those of you not familiar with Japanese Maples, they are, in my opinion the perfect 'yard' tree.  Easy to care for, not trashy or prone to dumping TONS of leaves on your lawn, they don't get very big and in the Fall, Oh in the Fall they turn a glorious Red!

But I digress, I dug all the daylilies out of a bed that DH has decided is to become part of the lawn.  He likes grass... 28 pots of daylilies later.   Oh my, and that is just ONE bed. There are 4 more he wants taken out!  My aching back!  And where to put all the pots?